Information for students about the IT-implications of distance learning

Information for students about the IT-implications of distance learning

Dear Students,

The professional use of IT services provided by Eötvös Loránd University and its Faculty of Law is one of the most important conditions for the smooth and successful distance learning introduced during the emergency caused by COVID-19. 


The services are based on the identification managed by the Directorate of Information Technology (IIG) at ELTE, which allows access to the services (Microsoft Teams, VPN, Remote Desktop, Stunnel, EduID, CampusWiFi). You can change the password for the ID here, where you can find additional key information (especially the email address and its prefix that from now will be used for all services as usernames).


One of the most important tools for online learning is the Microsoft Teams app. You are kindly requested to download and install this app on your devices. You can download it from here, watch the video guide here for your computerhere for your phone and we recommend that you watch the tutorial videos integrated into the program and the official Microsoft description. Once installed, you can log in with the email address described above and the password associated with it, here you will immediately find courses that have already been synchronized with Neptun. Moodle and Canvas platforms remain of course also available in the usual way.


You can access the legal databases from your own device during the concerned period in the following ways without limitation:

  • HVG-Orac JogKódex: The service provider has released an ELTE-specific username-password pair so that you can log in to the database. To download, install, and use the app, visit the page. After installation and startup enter username: elte_hiatus and password: 66e470d6;
  • Wolters Kluwer Új Jogtár: The service provider has set up an ELTE-specific eduID logon which allows you to access the database by clicking the eduID-login button on this WoltersKluwer login page and by authenticating yourself afterwards with yout ELTE IIG username and password referenced above;
  • Beck Online, Westlaw,  HeinOnline, KluwerArbitration and other international databases bubscribed by ELTE ÁJK: remote desktop access allows you to access these from external devices, a detailed description of this can be found on the Faculty Library’s website here.
  • Further opportunities at university level for large international database access and related technical assistance can be found on the ELTE EK website.

For more updated information, please follow the ELTE ÁJK website and the Facebook pages of the ÁJKThe Faculty Library or ELTE EK.

Budapest, 20th of March 2020.

Wishing you good health and successful learning under these new conditions:

The Leaders of the Faculty